Praise the lord, hallelujah! We are all truly blessed. Blessed by God, and RyouWin. Praise the lord!

Jesus, save us from the sin!
Over the weeked, I went to a Christian Mountain Retreat for good food, good songs, and good Jesus. Praise the lord! Upon returning from my spiritual journey, I was greeted by the EVIL HEATHEN SINNERS OF MREV PLEASE JESUS CLEANSE THE PEOPLE HALLELUJAH! And thusly, I was thrown into the Satan controlled world of Mugen once again, GET OUT SATAN PRAISE JESUS!

Left: Jesus blessed Robocop with the ability to disappear while running. HALLELUJAH!
Right: Happy Robocop dances for Jesus!
The other members of MRev are heathen Satan lovers. They think I will let them force me into writing these EVIL SATAN REVIEWS whenever they want to be asking me to write them. "GET OUT OF MY FACE," I say, "I HAVE JESUS!". Praise the lord, and all his children. Amen.