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made by RyouWin
review by ShoShingo
download: I love you all too much.

Praise the lord, hallelujah! We are all truly blessed. Blessed by God, and RyouWin. Praise the lord!

Jesus, save us from the sin!

Over the weeked, I went to a Christian Mountain Retreat for good food, good songs, and good Jesus. Praise the lord! Upon returning from my spiritual journey, I was greeted by the EVIL HEATHEN SINNERS OF MREV PLEASE JESUS CLEANSE THE PEOPLE HALLELUJAH! And thusly, I was thrown into the Satan controlled world of Mugen once again, GET OUT SATAN PRAISE JESUS!

Left: Jesus blessed Robocop with the ability to disappear while running. HALLELUJAH!
Right: Happy Robocop dances for Jesus!

The other members of MRev are heathen Satan lovers. They think I will let them force me into writing these EVIL SATAN REVIEWS whenever they want to be asking me to write them. "GET OUT OF MY FACE," I say, "I HAVE JESUS!". Praise the lord, and all his children. Amen.

Pros and Cons
+ Robocop is a tool of the lord!
- RyouWin is a heathen.
Overall Score: 10