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Dark Chun Li
created by Big Eli King
review by ShoShingo
download: You'll never get it! Haw!

Normally, I don't write up reviews of characters that haven't been released to the public. However, I feel it's time to make an exception. Why? Because Dark Chun Li will be out around the same time as WinMugen. That's why.

A new level of 1337.

Let's start off with the good stuff. Ths version of DCL makes the old version look like a GohanSSM2 character. Well-balanced is the only term that can be used to describe this character. She isn't cheap or overly powerful, like Psycho Shredder, but she isn't pathetic like Lynn by Faye. Basically, this is a perfect character, and it isn't even finished yet.

1 : Sexy, sexy, sexy.
2 : Psycho Dimension in all its glory.

The bad stuff? Uh, not much really, with the exception of her incomplete Rave mode. So, what we have here is a character that only a few people have, including myself, and which most of you will never get. I guess I just wrote this up to rub it in your faces. And now, the whores.

Pros and Cons
+ Awesome.
+ No Shun Goku Satsu, unlike the other 20+ "evil" characters out today.
+ Moves and graphics that will likely give you a heart attack, because you're all fat fucks.
Overall Score: 2
Did I mention you'll never get Dark Chun Li?