Real Name: William Darwin Turtle
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 138 lbs.

Abilities: Able to protrude razor-sharp bone growths from 13 different points on his body: His wrists, his shoulder blades,
his knees, the top of his spinal cord, his sternum, the heels of his feet, his knees, and the most painful and disfiguring
of them all, his right eye socket. Every time he uses his powers, the bones rip through his flesh, but as a result of the
experiment, he gained superhuman healing abilities, meaning that he must re-open his wounds every time he uses his powers..

Bio: William Turtle is basically the world's unluckiest man. Born on a Friday the 13th, and the youngest of thirteen children 
(his parents often told him that he was an accident), he was plagued by bad luck and a miserable childhood while growing up.
He was shy and meek, and often suffered emotional damage at the hands of countless students taunting him. He was perpetually
clumsy and socially awkward. Into adulthood, his luck was no better. Unable to connect with other people and constantly unemployed,
his parents kicked him out on the street, where he wandered aimlessly, homeless and with very little money, until he became addicted to
cheap drugs and a life of crime. He was apprehended in his birthday for trying to steal a car, and was sentenced to 13 months in prison.
William's life took a tragic turn in prison when, through the use of a false DNA test, he was wrongly convicted of a girl's rape and murder that
had occurred some year's before, and sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison. In prison, his ID number ended with the number 13. Due
to the nature of the crime and the age of the victim (15), he was beaten badly every day by prisoners and guards alike. He attempted to end his life
by slitting his wrists with a sharp piece of concrete he chipped off the wall of his cell, but failed and was left in a coma in the prison's infirmary. There
he was abducted by Moses Maddigan's men and used as the 13th subject of the SHADE project. The constant pain and the disfiguring nature of his powers finally drove William to complete insanity. He is unstable, vicious, and unreasonable. He is
also a serial killer and the most unpredictable and uncontrollable of all the SHADE subjects.
