Real Name: Moses Maddigan
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 285 lbs.


Possesses superhuman strength, endurance, and reflexes. He is also naturally brilliant and skilled at 
hand-to-hand combat.

Bio: Moses Maddigan is the son of affluent parents Joseph and Katherine Maddigan. His parents were born 
and raised in England and moved to the United States to escape the ruthless business world that they had 
embroiled themselves in and to raise their unborn son. Once there, Katherine died while giving birth to Moses. 
Due to his mother's death, his father badly spoiled Moses and raised him to be a cold, ruthless, womanizing 
businessman. Joseph passed away on Moses' 21st birthday, and because of his untimely (and mysterious) death, 
his company and assets were turned over to Moses. The company, Maddicorp, formerly specialized in small business 
ventures and minor pharmaceutical products. However, soon after Moses took control of the company, it branched 
out into high-grade (and highly dangerous) pharmaceuticals and eventually into secretive bio-weapons development 
and genetic engineering.

After the massive failure that was the S.H.A.D.E.s experiment, Moses becomes obsessed with finding and eliminating 
all of the surviving subjects, through his own force, his manipulation of the Gray City Police Department, and his 
personal team of mercenaries called The Collection Agency. He carries with him his father's gold pocket watch at all 
times. He holds it in his right arm while fighting, both to time how long the fight takes and to prevent him from using
his right arm due to his suspiciously super-human strength (since using his best arm would make him quite deadly, which 
would garner him unwanted attention). It is theorized that Moses was the first human test subject of the S.H.A.D.E.s 
