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Yuri Sakazaki
created by "pji111"
review by Legato
download: Conversion World

Yay. One of the "great" creators at Conversion world releases another "great" character! Hoo, boy.

Sprites are the same as all other CvS chars. You know, Yuri sure got a lot more frames than, say, Kyo. Sounds are ALSO the same as from all CvS characters - they sound awful.

Gameplay? Take CvS Yuri. Now add some really buggy ass SFEX-style super cancelling, and you've got this Yuri. Example: Do QCFx2+Y, then do a QCF+Y once you're in the air. Bam. Yuri can walk in the air! Plus, I've been able to cancel a super into the SAME SUPER before it even BEGINS! Something is very wrong with that.

Well, if you MUST have a version of Yuri on your select screen, she doesn't have the godawful looking shoes from KoF 2000. But the stupid SFEX gameplay means she's really frickin' buggy if you try and do any elaborate combos. Play at your own risk.

Pros and Cons
+ No stupid shoes!
+ More animation than 99% of other CvS characters!
- Retarded gameplay.
- It's Yuri.

Overall Score: 7