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made by baby bonnie hood
review by Legato B
download: No.

After admitting several years down the line that he stole sprites and code for his Lilith, BBH proves once more that he is the smartest creator on the planet with Yoma Komatsu. Not only does this character have quite bad MSPaint sprites and no moves of any interest whatsoever, but it also shows that he has learned absolutely nothing. There's more stolen code in this character than sluts in a catholic girls' school.

Right in the readme, BBH credits two Japanese creators, nana and y.y for their works - Dizzy and Robo Rock, respectivly. This immedietly struck me as odd - why on earth would he give thanks to these creators simply for releasing certain characters? My sick curiousity aroused, I headed to nana's site, the only of the two creators pages up at the moment, and began downloading Dizzy. I didn't even have to do that much, though - right in the CNS, there's a line which reads "; Roman Cancel (from nana's Dizzy)." The code in both the CNS and CMD, while not identical, certainly resembles the code in Dizzy. Let's take BBH on his word here, and move on to the next example!

Next is the Psych Burst, credited to y.y's Robo Rock. Unfortunetly, I was unable to get this character, as y.y's site was down when I attempted to reach it. Again, though, BBH knows what he's talking about.

Now, I know some of you are thinking "Hey, wait a moment, Legato! How do you know he didn't get permission?" Well, for one thing, he didn't say he had permission. And nana's site and readme say nothing about allowing the use of such code, in English or Japanese. It's certainly possible, although very unlikely, that he does have permission for this code. But this is BBH we're talking about - a guy who admitted to using sprites and code from MMR's Lilith years after the fact expecting that somehow people wouldn't think there was something wrong with that. Unfortunetly, Mugen GUILD proved him right.

I'll end by saying this - if BBH can prove he recieved permission to use all the code from other creators in Yoma, I'll change this review. But the burden of proof is on him - he's pulled stunts like this before, and from all indications on his Livejournal and elsewhere, he hasn't learned a damn thing. Prove you've shaped up or get the hell out of the scene, BBH.

UPDATE! BBH admitted it and he's on the way to a quick banning from Guild and pretty much the entire rest of the English-language MUGEN community. He didn't even try to hide it. What a moron.

Pros and Cons
+ It's fun to write these reviews.
- Stolen code up every orifice.
- BBH is simply incapable of learning.
- Dreamslayer will use this as justification for his "open source everything" hippie crap.
- BBH still won't be banned from MUGEN Guild.
+ Well, I'll be damned. He really did get banned.

Overall Score: 11
And I'm sure someone thought he was going to change.