Okay, kiddies. Finals are done, time for more reviews!
First of all, Yoh Asakura comes from Shaman King, which is on FoxBox right now with some really crappy voiceovers. I won't get into that right now though. Anyway, if you're unfamiliar with the premise, basically take Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, bastardize it with Pokemon elements, and voila! You have Shaman King. Now I find some ideas interesting, to say the least (OMG! Buddha and Jesus were Shaman Kings!), but let's just say that they don't affect my review of this character.
First of all, let's talk about cosmetics. Yoh Asakura's sprites look okay, considering that he's from a PS game. The animation is really smooth, which is good for me. It's not the best I've seen, but it's pretty good. The sound quality is also pretty good, but hey, how hard is it to make sounds. Once you get past this illusion, Yoh just plain sucks.
Let's talk about the bad boys: collisions. I'll give credit to the author for having a single collision box for the whole standing animation. The downside is everything else. Notice the slashing attacks:

Once the weapon is clearly out of the way, it's still possible to get hit. What's hitting Genkai? "Shockwave Buddha Giri?" Oops, no, just a badly placed collision box. Speaking of Buddha Giri, let's move onto attacks.
Hahaha, X and Y are funny. X is supposedly a launcher, although it's impossible to follow the opponent and do an aerial rave on him. Y is like Reika Murasame's strong sword attack, which would've been a great except for the fact that the opponent bounces back, allowing you to hit them with it again while they're in midair. Z let's you charge your Power, but it reduces your health. Now while that would've been fair in a ridiculously overpowered character, Yoh is very weak, and the rate at which he accumulates power isn't worth the lost health.
Now for A, B, and C. Apparently, A is a weak attack and B is a strong attack. Nothing too outstanding there. C can ONLY be used if you do a special or a super. Two of the specials are just projectiles. Slow projectiles. Slower than Guile's Sonic Boom, and half the damage, too. I understand that there should be balance, but that's just frickin' stupid. Then there's a Shoryuken-esque attack that seems okay, but his Collision boxes are WAAAY too big for the attack, and the opponent barely gets lift off the ground, allowing them to attack him on his way down.
Finally, we get to the supers. Now the Shoryuken rip off was okay, and at least you can't attack until the opponent stands up, which is pretty fair. It's the projectile that gives me problems. Get close, and throw it. If you time it right, it's possible to hit with a second projectile while the opponent is still in recoil. Do it three times, and that takes off about 600 Life points. I've seen more damage done in a level three super, but still, supers don't and shouldn't chain that easiliy.
So what can I say? Yoh Asakura is total crap. Even the potentially good ideas fail.