Twisted Fate
made by Kazmer
review by ShoShingo
download: Ha.
Finally, something worthy of being reviewed. As you all know, Kazmer, along with his many, many, MANY fans, has been hyping the release of the second, meaning there was one before this, beta of his completely original game Twisted Fate. Kazmer, who is certainly a "goth" and more than likely "gay" has spent years upon years learning the fine art of Mugen coding, as is seen in this incredible title.

Oh man, this really is the pinnacle of 2D gaming. Eat your heart out SNK and Capcom.
Sadly, I'd be a big fat fibber if I said this game was in any way enjoyable. It appears that by "original", Kazmer means "taking the system from Mortal Kombat and fucking it up way more than it already was." Slow attack speed, a horrid combo system, and graphics that actually manage to look worse than most Poser porn comics on the web today. Yeah, great game.

The CLSN's are, as to be expected with the metric fuckton of other problems in this game, bad. Real bad. This is like Insane Hiryu level of bad. Wait, no, that's actually not bad enough. This is every DBZ character not made by Rumiko, Necromancer, or ZGTeam bad. The bottom line is, Kazmer spent what little talent he had on the character and stage designs, and even they turned out to be sub-par. CLSN1 boxes for certain attacks get stuck in mid-air, while the animations they were for magically float off screen. This is not the way a good game is made. Hell, it's not the way a mediocre game is made. So, in closing :

Do yourself a favor and click yes.
Pros and Cons
- Everything.
- I'm supposed to think of an emo kiddy with fishnet stockings on his arms as a unique and well thought out character? Oh, don't forget about zombie man or random "fanservice" chick.
Overall Score: 100
Much love.