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Young Trunks
created by GohangSSM2
review by ShoShingo
download: Here

Ahem. First, the readme is for Gohan’s Dabura, the only thing changed in it is the name. Second, the AIR, CNS, and CMD are for Dabura. Third, the SND file is for Dabura, and guess what, it works with Trunks.

This character is Dabura with Trunks sprites, basically. If there was any solid proof that most, if not all, of Gohan’s characters’ are sprite swaps, this is it. Don’t take my word for it, download Dabura and this character, and check for yourself.

On second thought, don’t.

Sadly, GohanSSM2 claims he will no longer release anything publicly. I, for one, am saddened by this. Who else will we turn to for such good examples of poor coding abilities? How will the delicate balance between good and crap be able to hold itself together, when one of the leaders in crap leaves? Oh, look, a kitty!

Pros and Cons
+ My cat is licking my toe.
- Everything wouldn’t even begin to describe the amount of things wrong with this character.

Overall Score: 11