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Terry 2k3
fucked up by ixnadykqihfieniqjpoahg
review by orochikof97
download: extremely ugly green page

So here is another KOF 2003 character by brazil, ixnadykaeoiuef whatever the fuck his name his. Let's have a look at this god-awful Terry bogard. Analysis in 3 points. I could have written more but shit doesn't deserve any respect nor time.

1. If you have access to the real axis and clsn, use them: As simple as it may seem to make up these things and hope that it works out, it merely makes sure that shit that isn't really possible in the game can occur. Like hitting your opponent when you shouldn't be able to, and vice versa. Axis is also important, as it prevents small things from happening, such as sinking below the stage's floor during battle when landing. There's a clsn viewer but who cares it's easier to make random ones ! idiot.

2. If it ain't broke, don't fix it: Quirks aside, the system of fighting in 2k3 has one fundamental difference from what is seen in terry here: it actually works. the Infinites & juggles found in this shitty terry do not exist in KOF, so play the fucking game before even considering a character conversion, ixnaydkqhdgoiuahg. When you say that the character is linux mugen compliant, at least verify that he actually is, which is not the case. Hitdefs are completely fucked up, hit/guard velocities are overlooked, terry's behaviour feels like you're playing a fucked up vs series character (since this guy can't even code properly). but hey it's a mgbr member, how can you expect quality from that board ?

3. and of course there's the typical brazil touch : stupid palettes, high damages, invincibility issues, fullscreen moves with FX covering the entire screen, mega huge sparks from VS series for simple moves like a weak punch. Why the fuck do you use this ? it's not like a basic attack is a hyper move, idiot.

This terry fails at being acceptable miserably. I can't even fathom how no one that has likely tested these characters can honestly say these things are acceptable. It is not that my standards are too high; the problem is what is accepted is simply too low. Next time, before trying to prove people (read : mgbr fags & other stupid brazilian boards) that i am a code thief because I share 1 trigger (playsnd is a very rare sctrl indeed) with another character, try to improve your mugen knowledge, but I guess that was the best you could pull off.

what? Who said "brazil needs to be banned from both mugen & internet?" Actually, anyone who is not brazilian.

This is a weak punch. Can't imagine what will happen for hyper moves !!!!11

Infinite Combo RAWX ! Muito BOM !

Pros and Cons
+ review partially stolen from villain
+ VIB and smi are not brazilian !
+ I am a racist
+ pie rules
- brazil
- the fact that brazil acts like their productions are pure gold when it's nothing but worthless shit.
Overall Score: 9
as usual : big mouth, no skills