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Saber Zero
made by Z Saber User
review by Villain
download: Mugenesis

for a clear fan for the megaman series, you would think that z saber here would attempt to ensure that zero would be better then the original version in snk vs capcom. sadly, i appear to have been mistaken as this zero is considerably worse. one of the things the creator had in mind was to add in some new things. here is some free advice: don't worry about unecessary additions until you have a proper arrangement of the base.

to start off with, despite having used the debug functions, i have seem to have found misaligned sprites, and the clsn are wrong, despite the fact they are readily available. next, we can see damage values aren't correct either for the basics, a trend that will continue as i go further.

none of the specials behave as they should, each being winged more then then having been properly checked and createdm improper hitdefs, vels and all. the charge version of the z buster can actually stall if the player lets go after inserting the command, leaving zero stuck until the fierce punch key is pressed again. that is shown in the 1st screenshot, as kfm is viciously taunting zero from behind after having leapt over him. Another problem directly with this same move is that when the command is in and you are charging, zero cannot move like he could in the original game. he is left in the charge anim, a completely open target. The topper of this move is that if you charge for too long, you can actually loose the charge, making it completely pointless.

Don't think the dms are any better, as that clearly expert coding carries over! (if this is translated, yes, that was sarcasm.) the z buster dm fires at 2 different distances, depending on which button used, and neither have the capability to charge like the original could.the minute you use it, it fires. also, the version of the dm that goes further uses more then a single bar, as this creator apparently thought a capcom format would have been nicer. those thought processes should be in serious question at this point. i'd mention the others, but i think you can already see where i'm going with this

as for the added stuff, some moves taken from the gba games. it was a rather nice idea to bring some elements over, but unfortunately, it was still poorly executed. much like the character itself. rather sad, as i actually like the rockman zero games myself, and how they are shown here is simply disappointing.

speaking of execution though, i decided that the only just course of action after having tested this character was to have it stoned to death. considering that zero here is merely a couple of files, and thus i was unable to physically maim it myself, i found a good alternative.

Pros and Cons
+ it is zero from the rmz series
- it plays nothing like zero from the rmz series
- it doesn't even really play that well for what it is
- accuracy? ha!
- added parts token at best
-can you say "debug flood"? i'm sure you can

Overall Score: 9
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