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created by jennifer
review by villian
download: Here

need a version of sonia for mugen? well don't bother to get this one. jennifer's last character resembles her previous creations in the sense that something is missing. in sonia's case, it is any sort of accuracy.

in console mode, there is an option called chr test that lets you see each and very sprite in the game in perfect alignment, as well as their timings. jennifer for some unfathomable reason decides to wing it and make up these details as she went along. certain frames in sonia's gethit animations are simply screwed versions of other animations, which also give of a dirty appearance. the knife throw collision is a mess on its own.

it just gets worse as i look at her clsn and moves. the clsn are awkward in a good amount of the animations, including the standing animation. the moves in general suffer from velocities that are absurd, taking too many hits, and just being unfaithful to the original. As for her dms, it is the return of the unblockable super attack. This problem is amplified as the dms themselves take way too much damage, with the 2nd version hitting for more then 700 life.


Pros and Cons
+ I tell you when I find it
- made up gethits? why?
- poor alignment and timing
- unblockable supers
Overall Score: 8