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created by Slack86
review by Rumiko
download: Whatever, where ever. Meh.

Oh, dear Lord. This is the best. =D

Yay. Do a Strong Shouryuuken and watch the round magically be ruined because the ground state loops and Ryu can't be hit out of it because Slack thinks that the startup of Shouryuuken is impervious to all attack types, and not just projectiles! Because of this, I went, like, eight rounds before I was able to complete one against this character.

Shouryuuken doesn't knockdown unless you're hitting an airborne enemy. Hurray for not ever testing one's own character!

Neither throw has a proper camera.

Let's use nonrequired sprites in custom actions! Thank you, Gohan-Sensei!

This kick should hit twice.

Slack is so good at protecting his characters from theft, that you can even walk around during the intro!

And if you jump, the round may start with you above the ground! No, no, he meant it! It is a feature.

This is the revolution! Required actions are below MaxiMugen!

Also done away with is CLSN boxes on the getup action. Notice the ridiculous life value, too.

How did this ever get past Gohan? Oh, wait, you're on his side! Nevermind tearing you apart for it! This is the cheapest combo I've seen in a LOOOONG time. j. Fierce, c. Short, c. Fierce, Roundhouse Tatsumakisenpuukyaku.

In conclusion... hahahaha! Oh, man. For such a superior you sure are... bad. I'm not going to be nice to you because, well, you don't deserve it. This is complete trash, and it suffers from laughable sloppiness and game-breaking cheapness and fuck-ups. Of course it's all intentional. Not being able to play an enjoyable match is what Mugen is all about, so say the righteous ones. You could say it's copy protection, but: 1. it's not; you just can't code. 2. it's not in line with your (unqualified) help-the-newbie attitude.
Please note that the enemy fighters are Shotokans made by actually good creators. It happens every once in a while. One day, if Slack gets his head out of his own ass, he can do the same as they.
Thanks, Slack. The pleasure was all mine.

Pros and Cons
+ You can hit and get hit. Sometimes.
- Not suitable for play by anyone. Chances are, you won't even finish a round.
- Bugs every which way.
Overall Score: 10
My word, was that ever revolting.