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Shining Gundam
created by Nyan☆Kiryu
review by ShoShingo
download: Here

With the somewhat mild success of G Gundam on Toonami, I thought it'd be fitting to review this Mugen character. Shining Gundam is made with sprites from the Super Famicon G Gundam fighting game. They're re-sized to give S. Gundam a better feel against normal sized Mugen characters. Howver, the re-sized sprites are very ugly. Personally, I wouldn't have minded if S. Gundam was shorter than most other characters, but the re-size is the preference of creator.

Now, the moves are very accurate to the show. it even has the Shining Finger Sword as a super. This is, in reality, very good. This gundam plays very much like a Capcom character. The gameplay in the original game is horrid, so I'm glad the creator decided to stray from it. The S. Gundam also has anime sequences in it. these are okay. They don't look good, they don't look horrible. There's an option to turn them off, which is a plus, since it gets very annoying see the same scene over and over again when you perform a super move.

There are no outstanding bugs in this character, but it does get kinda boring to use if you're not an extreme Gundam fanatic. The lack of sprites from the original game show in this Gundam. Many of the moves seem choppy, but it doesn't really effect the gameplay. It just looks odd. Overall, this is a good attempt at a Gundam from a very bad game.

Pros and Cons
+ It's a Gundam.
+ It doesn't use the horrible G Gundam fighter gameplay.
+ The Anime scenes.
- Re-sized sprites look bad.
- The Anime scenes. (Depends on if you're a fan or not.)
Overall Score: 4