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SF3 Shaquita
made by phirmost
review by the incomparable randal mcspiggans
download: Don't fucking bother.

First and foremost, I love Elena. I am an avid Elena player. I kick my friends' asses with her on a regular basis. so when someone released an Elena for MUGEN, I was intrigued. Most of the SF3 releases thus far have been... well, less than stellar, so I took it with a grain of salt.

Nothing could prepare me for the immense level of SUCK that I was about to experience...

For the rest of this review, the character will be referred to as "Shaquita" because I refuse to call this tripe an Elena.

First, the aesthetics. upon loading shaquita, every thing looks okay.... until she rises and starts dancing around like a 5-year after drinking a gallon of Kool-aid.  while I'm on the stance, let me get this off my chest. THE stance moves! It's not a hard thing to do. Just a few posadds and it's all done. but nooooo, the, molester realigned the sprites in the sff. I have to give him his props though. Not everyone can misalign perfectly aligned sprites and align them perfectly, however, he does it.

now, the sound. It's your basic SF3 sound effects. Not a bad thing, right? Until you realize that all the voice clips are in the wrong places! Come on, now. you could at least have read an faq and put 2 and 2 together, but instead shaquita's yelling "Rhino horn" during scratch wheel and other equally jacked up mismatches. Hell, the only clip he got right was "healing".

And finally, the gameplay. It is perfectly clear that Phirmost has never played elena in his life! absolutely nothing works as it should. It's a beta (52% complete... BULLSHIT!), so all the moves aren't in yet, but what is in, you'll wish he left out. you'll have to get adjusted to the controls because nearly every command has changed. Most moves do waaaay too much damage, about the same as the supers. don't even get me started on the supers! the healing super is completely invincible and for some stupid reason she fucking vanishes during the move only leaving her aura. The other super... I'm not even sure what it's supposed to be. As the final nail in the coffin, phirmost has found it fit to give Shaquita  MVC ESTILIO! yes, my niggas, shaquita has a fucking launcher and air combos. I should note that this character works best on DOS MUGEN, but it fucking blows no matter what platform you're using.

Well, not much else to say. my suggestion is play the fucking game first, get a feel for how she's supposed to play, then if you want to add some extra stuff in, do so. But get the basics down first!

Or you can never touch a SF3 character again. I vote for the second choice. 

Pros and Cons
+ Elena is better than you.
- However, anything is better than shaquita

Overall Score: 20
You need to practice more.