You know what? Rather than review this horribly trite character, with poorly edited sprites, bad clsns on almost every crouching attack, and ugly ass palettes, I'm going to list my top five reasons I would rather die than play this character again.

Ugh, just shoot me now.
5 : beer is expensive, and it takes a lot to want to play this character. death is much more affordable.
4 : I'll be able to see my grandpa again, which, despite his drinking problem and overuse of the word FINK, would be much more enjoyable.
3 : I'm pretty sure God would understand, and not send me to hell for being doing something as bad as killing myself.

Left: How many MSPaint demons does it take to drive me crazy?
Right: 2.
2 : Even if there is no afterlife, I'll still be far away from this piece of shit, and that's good enough for me.
1 : No more Carrot Top.