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created by someone I forgot
review by Titiln
download: ER

Okay, so this is one of the few edited characters out there. There's a problem with this one: it doesn't totally suck! The sprites are based on Juni, and some CLSN's and moves are copied directly from MMR's Juni. That's not a BIG problem, really. I'll have to say again that the sprites are really good, and editing all that must've been a lot of work. The gun sounds are perfect.

Now, into gameplay. The gun moves are CLSN's that take up a big part of the screen, which is pretty cheap. There's also our friendly infinite! Cornered opponent, weak grenade, weak grenade, again, again, K.O! Notice how the grenade only makes the explosion sound if it actually hits the opponent. The rocket launcher move, that looks very nice, makes TOO MUCH damage. Two rockets and the opponent is dead. The SFF isn't really optimized, there's like 50 sprites for the helicopter intro, and they are Regina jumping into the ground. That's, uh, bad.

One last thing: The big potrait is terrible. I suggest you to get this character for fun.

Pros and Cons
+ Nice edited sprites.
+ Sounds.
+ Helicopter intro.
- Missing sprites.
- Infinites.
- MMR wasn't credited anywhere.

Overall Score: 4