made by Mestre Kiuju & evil_gargamel
review by ShoShingo
download: Okay.
Wow, where to begin. First off, it's a nude character. Yeah. Secondly, it's horrible. I bet you didn't see that one coming.

I am so hard right now.
To be honest, I'm a pervert. Hell, I take pride in the fact that I'm a pervert. But nude characters are just so low on the scale of things that should make the mushroom in your forest grow. I mean, goddamn, look at the placement of the nipples for Christ's sake. It's like she has the mutant ability to gross the hell out of everyone by moving her right nipple 7 feet to the left. And that patch of black/dark blue that's supposed to resemble pubic hair? Those idiots might have just as well have replaced the sprites with a single image of a Chia pet with badly pasted granny breasts.

Sprites aside, the moves are simply horrid. I can't even begin to explain how awful this character is, I really can't. She has a super where she fires Psi Blasts while spread eagle, in the air. I never knew women could do this. Well, maybe witches.
Pros and Cons
- Not a single goddamned thing.
Overall Score: 11
Repent, sinners.