To make one thing clear, the stage in the screenshots came with the character. Ahaha, it is a funny stage, and I suggest you download it at the website of the character. Now, time for the real review of Ohayou Sensei, another Original Character made for MUGEN. With a catch.
Let's begin with graphics. The character was drawn by hand in what appears to be MS paint. Ahahahaha. It turns out fairly well, at least a lot better than what most will expect. Many of the animations do look choppy, but the fact that it is an MS paint character inspires me to make my own MS paint character. Anyway, his sprites have no shading whatsoever, and some of his sprites (large portrait, super portraits) are just horrid. But in the end, they made me smile. So they get some points. I mean, look at his taunt! And his fireball is a small ball of energy with a small doll of himself attached to it. Ahahaha, it's some great stuff. Loses some points due to axis problems and missing frames.

Left: Sensei's wonderful taunt.
Right: Sensei attacks with the grace of a fairy.
Gameplay is a mixed bag. He moves good enough to be playable, but some of his moves are...questionable, to say the least. And although this does not exactly pertain to gameplay, watch Osama, er, I mean Sensei, walk. Who walks on one foot kicking with the other? Gahahaha. Anyway, his attacks are a bit strange. Such as a kamehameha super, which isn't really strange at all, so I take that back. Actually, the only strange attack I can think of is his gun attack, where Osama pulls out a gun supplied to him by your drug money (after all, the money you spend on drugs is used to support terrorist foundatins, children. so don't buy drugs. it only supports people like osama and the beltway sniper, who is by all means affiliated with osama.) and busts a cap into player 2. It's great stuff. Some of the CLSN boxes are wierd, though,s o it loses points for that. And for christ's sake, his Kamehame ha super takes out like 830 damage, while only requiring two super bars. Did I mention that it's pretty much impossible to avoid? Well, it is, since it fires at the speed of light.

Left: Sensei's charges up his super energy blast of death.
Right: KA ME HA ME HA. or something.
There is no sound for me to review, but that is only because I didn't take the 5 minutes to download the sound file. I'm sure that the sound is just as hilarious as the rest of the character, though. It's more fun to play as Osama while making your own sound effects, anyway. how much imagination does it require to emulate the sound of a bullet being fierd, and then making contact with the flesh of a human being? it's not that hard, I tell you. BAM! BIFF! KERPLUNK!

Left: Osama imitating the beltway sniper.
Right: The fireball with the little doll on it. Hahaha, greatness, I say.
Overall, Sensei falls short, but does enough right to receive an average score. Although it isn't the prettiest character around, it has the heart and sould of a champion. And it also comes with a groovy MS Paint stage.

Osama's rad LieDown sprite.