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created by JUN
review by DutchPredator
download: Jun's website

Let's start with the size of the zip: the file is split in two zips, (1.662 kB) and (2.567 kB).

The first zip file ( contains the basic files (cns, sff, def, cmd) the second zip file ( contains the .snd file.

Now let's go on with the real review instead of whining about the size of the two zips. First all Ogre's sprites are Gouki's (Akuma if you prefer). So you might think it's a very strong Gouki, until you try him out........ the first thing that came to my mind was, "Is this a compilation of all GOOD fighting characters known to date?" The complete charater has null % of originality. All moves are taken from popular fighting characters (IE: Guile, Ryuji, Omega Rugal, Krizalid and more), the creator (JUN) hasn't put in a bit of originality (except ogre's hair is white instead of orange/red, like Gouki's hair).

Another thing I also noticed was that when I actived the CNS boxes, they were ridiculously small. I think one sprite contains about 6+ cns boxes.

Although, I could find one good point about his character! The sprites for the original (read stolen) moves are pretty well made.

I also noticed some missing frames in ogre (which you can see in one of the screenshots).

There's one point which makes this character a disgrace of the M.U.G.E.N. community. I think all of his coding is stolen, and although I don't have proof of this at this moment, I'm almost sure the coding is stolen from different sources.

Pros and Cons
+ Nice sprites for "Original" (read stolen) moves.

- Missing frames
- Stupid CLSN boxes
- No originality
- All moves are stolen

Overall Score: 11
Yes, 11. Code thieves get no love.