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made by mature4evr, of course
review by legato beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
download: Same as always.

Now, listen, Mature4evr. I'm all for retro characters that play like they did in the original game they're from. Some of combo kyo's works are my all-time favorite characters. But this is just stupid. A character that can't move and can only throw a fireball diagonally up or down. I don't even see why he can throw it down, since you'll never hit jack that way. Would it have been so hard to edit him a slithering animation so he could at LEAST go side to side?

I almost didn't bother reviewing this character, because it's entirely too easy to mock it, but hell, it's been ages since I've done a review. I may as well do a mature4evr one! If you want people to take you seriously as a "retro" character creator, go take a long, hard look at Kyo's characters and (if you can find it) his platform character tutorial. Until then, just stop coding characters.

Pros and Cons
+ Nada.
- Same as always in a Mature4evr character..

Overall Score: 10
Like shooting a dead whale in a barrel with a rocket launcher.