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made by O Ilusionista and SodonHID
review by Rabite
download: Brazil.

First off, the readme: Since when was bison the president? I always thought he was a dictator. Things only go downhill from here. His defense is 200 and his attack is 300, PLUS he gets a bonus against certain "cheap" characters, like Evil Ken. He can teleport out of moves, break combos, and he has 1500 health. This makes for a fun fight.

Now his moves, you have Reppuken from Geese, which he can fire off quickly and repeatedly. He has a CHEST BEAM which can do *thirty* hits up close and leads to one of his MANY infinites (corner, launch, beam, beam, beam, beam, beam.) JOY. He has Charging Star, the presence of which I don't understand, and Sonic Boom, which bison must have stolen when he killed Charlie. He also has all sorts of moves which were stolen from Adon, a very difficult-to-figure-out teleport scheme, and a ten-hit uppercut. Shitty sound, too. This character is loaded for bear, now, if only his supers would redeem him, but wait!!! They don't.

His super projectile can be used *three* times in a row, and that will either kill or come close to killing most characters. He also has Guile's Sonic Hurricane super in which you can move, and, yes, do other moves, too. ("Fun" combo: Sonic Hurricane, chest beam, Tiger Shot super, Tiger Shot super. Kills, too)

Overall, this character is just a fun little bundle of love. If you can get past the jacked up stats and the screwy specials you still have to deal with fucked up supers making him a real joy to fight.

Pros and Cons
+ Using him makes most characters a breeze due to how powerful he is.
+ Lots of projectiles for zoning fun.
+ It's Sagat's body.
- Cheap as all hell.
- Infinites.
- Overpowered.
- Breaks out of most air combos.
- Teleports commands are fucked up.
- Pretty sure this is Koga's Sagat.
- Thirty-hit beams.
- Too many cons (and I still haven't listed all of them.)

Overall Score: 11
It's Brazil. 'nuff said.