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created by bad darkness
review by LegatoB
download: here

Khan is a character from Capcom's excellent liscensed fighting game, Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, or Some Japanese Title I Forget that means the same thing. The game totally rocked, and most of the Jojo characters for MUGEN have totally rocked. Sadly, there haven't been many in the past year or so.

Thankfully, Bad Darkness has made this excellent conversion of Khan. The animations seem to all be intact from the PSX version, and because he didn't have a seperate "Stand" like many other Jojo characters, his sprites don't suffer from pixellation. The sounds are, again, identical.

In fact, as far as I can tell, Khan is IDENTICAL to his appearance in Jojo, aside from his counterattack move being slightly adjusted to work better in MUGEN. I really can't find any faults with this character, other than the fact that, with very good timing, you can chain two of his supers together. But he might've been able to do that in the game anyway, so...

Hell. What can I say? He's a perfect conversion. Nothing new added, but hey. Still definetly worth a download if you like Jojo or just good characters.

Pros and Cons
+ He's from Jojo.
+ Perfect conversion.
- Umm... nothing?

Overall Score: 1