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created by RMX
review by Thrawn
download: RMX's Page

This is a review of a thing RMX dares to call a "character." Well, that is not entirely true, because it is NOT his creation. It seems like RMX took Kenshin's complete programming of Hien and sprite-swapped... as RMX is the same guy that already stole the programming for his Death Maul character, I doubt he had any permission to take Kenshin's stuff.

It appeares to me that the programming hasn't been changed one single bit. It seems that all this guy did is tried to do his best to cover up Hien's old moves, and make it look like it's something original. I would say he failed outright.

Gameplay? Hmm... do you have any idea what a Kanos would play like?

If so, screw it, because there is NO gameplay. No one could possible want to play this character. Try and press QCF, x/y/z until you're bored or the opponent is dead. Or just smash any of the six buttons. Whatever you choose to do, I can guarantee that you will get sick of it after a few minutes.

Clsns: No clsn change at all, horrible pallettes and - here comes the real fun - this character morphes for -every- possible movement, which is damn UGLY.

Watch in astonishment as this character starts out as a guy two times the size of KFM, then rapidly changes its appearance into... a tiny thing that chrouces on the ground. Freeze in pure respect as it turns into a being familiar to DBZ freaks: Cell, and an instant later becomes... a naked woman?! Feel the deepest horror as Kanos transforms into a white skeleton on a get-hit state, recovers, turns into something unknown, jumps forward and becomes... an orange ball with spikes. Witness as it morphes once again, from a figure that is supposed to look like Luke Skywalker, to Yoda, to Lobo, some robot, and about 20 more of those beautiful forms this character can take I can't force myself to elaborate on.

But you would probably have a hard time to figure out all those different forms of this total mess anyway... the morphing happens so fast and without any animation between it that you might first think of it as a bad dream. But it isn't. Sad but true. ;_;

What have we done to deserve such a character?

Pros and Cons
+ .SND isn't completely stolen like the rest
+ Err... nothing, to be honest.

- Really BAD edit job.
- Everything else.

Overall Score: 11
Yes, 11. Code thieves get no love.