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created by N64Mario
review by Someguy
download: Somewhere

So I decided to try out N64Mario's Guile out because well, I like Guile, and I figured that not even he could screw up this character. Boy was I wrong.

Guile has been given chain combos which isn't a bad thing, except the way it's implemented here, you can mash buttons and get results because there is almost no restrictions to chains making it a pretty mindless system. Then we move on to damage.

If there is one thing that is obvious, it is that homeslice has no concept of balanced damage what-so-ever. I shouldn't be able to do a simple combo and almost kill my opponent. What the hell! You would figure someone who has been making crap as long as he has would have implemented damage scaling of some sort to dampen his characters bloated damage values.

If you thought that was bad, Guile is taken even deeper into the land of broken gameplay. How can this be possible? Well it seems Guile has been given the "walking jab of doom" allowing you to take half of your opponents life if they are airborne and not falling, or doing an infinite in the corner.

If you care about good gameplay, or are looking for a decent Guile, you should look elsewhere as you won't find either here.


Pros and Cons
+ It's Guile
- Walking jab of doom
- Bad damage values
- Bad velocities
- Bad everything

Overall Score: 10