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ultimate goku
created by demetri
review by villian
download: Here

this character was dubbed ultimate goku by his creator. i am not sure what the motivation was behind that, but i took it upon myself to figure out if this was merely an ego trip by demetri, or if there was something to it.

the 1st thing i looked at was the sprites. as usual, they are nothing more then the standard dbz2/3 sprites that have been used in many other characters. a few seem to have been edited, but there really isn't much to look at. his kamehameha "animation" is really a single frame taken from one of Dr Doom's attacks. The limited sprites were for the most part well aligned, but there are still quite a few missing required sprites that should have been taken care of. the clsn are ok for the most part, but the gethit are too small in comparison to the sprites.

i would normally divide the basic attacks from the special attacks, but this copy of goku doesn't really have much to begin with. the standing basics are the normal fare, with two of the 6 buttons being projectiles that are just the same attack with different sprites. crouching and air attacks use the same sprites but have different values. his specials are just projectiles, autocombos and a dive kick, with the autocombos being able to chain together to earn a rediculous amount of damage. the single super can continue after goku has exited the attack animation, as seen in the 1st screenshot.

want to kill an opponent very fast? hit them with either the c or z projectile up close, and keep hitting those buttons until they die. this should have been found before demetri even sent this version out.

nothing makes this character really stand out from the dozens of other versions of goku. ultimate goku is a mediocre character that should be gotten only if you really want to have a version of goku for your use.

Pros and Cons
+ alignment isn't horrible
- clsn for gethits smaller then should be
- autocombo moves cheap
- missing required sprites
Overall Score: 6