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gohan black hd
created by O Carioca Nildo
review by villian
download: Here

this lackluster character is gohan's head pasted on a recolored vegeta's body and with sleeves. the edits in this character are just awful, and that same quality went into the animation of this character. the creator attempts to use sprites from garou, kof and cvs pro to try and hide the ugly sprites, but to no avail. gohan was also missing required sprites and poorly aligned sprites, which was expected considering the quality seen earlier.

i next looked to the moves that this character had. they were not listed in the readme, so I looked at the cmd file. his attacks consist froma wide variety of fireballs to autocombos. the autocombos were done horribly, as the "detailed" clsn allowed for many silly things to occur, including hitting the person when he is behind you as shown in the 2nd screenshot.

The super attacks consist of a short beam that takes too much life, gohan shooting fireballs down on you in some contrived fashion that also takes too much life, or a single flying knee that should not do so much damage. they have a 2nd version as well, which will take of over 75% of the lifebar.

if you are looking for a good character, don't get this. if you are a fan of the dbz series, don't get this. in cases like this character, not even the author should have a copy of this character, much less anyone else.

Pros and Cons
- head swap of Vegeta, horrible animation
- clsn is terrible in every animation
- moves are terrible
- missing required animations
- poorly aligned sprites
- supers take too much life
Overall Score: 10