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created by The Disciple X
review by Shinaku
download: TDX's Website

Where do we start? Let's just say that Freeza has a lot of moves. A lot. Too many, if you ask me. He probably has an attack for every button combination you can think of, wihch can be a pro or a con, depending on your personal point of view. I'm not a fan of DBZ style sprites, and these do nothing to change my mind. I find DBZ sprites to be rather ugly, and this Freeza's graphics look horribly outdated (besides the big flashing lights, but I'll get to that).

Freeza has so many flashing lights going off at once that you're likely to get a headache if you play as him long enough. I'm surprised that his basic attacks aren't covering the screen with purple flashes of light, because that's what every single other attack seems to do. It is a bit unnecessary, although the effects (such as the energy blasts) do help a little bit in the graphics department. Not much, as you will probably get tired of watching Freeza fire 219029 blasts in a few seconds as you are practically helpless.

The key to winning with Freeza is to simply bash on your directional and attack buttons until a large beam of light appears knocking the opponent down. The gameplay is very, very unbalanced and he seems a bit overpowered. He begins every round with 1099 life which doesn't seem like much, but it does give him an extra edge over opponents. Also, pracitcally every super move takes only one bar of energy. This means that not only can he hit you hard, he hits you hard an awful lot.

His AI is very cheap, as it basically makes him hit you with a super until you run out of energy. And when you run out of energy....wait, you can't run out of energy. Freeza regains energy for doing absolutely nothing. Like standing still. This makes fighting him very unfair.

That scouter floating in the middle of the screen is useless, it should be removed. Also, when the level bar turns red, it should stay red. It goes back to yellow for apparently no reason at all. Another gripe I have is that there is no way to reduce the power level. Once it's level three, it stays level three, and there's no way around it (I think).

Overall, it's not a horrible character, it's just not a good one. It's worth a download if DBZ is your thing, but if you hate DBZ, then you'll find nothing to change your mind about it with Freeza.

Want to know the definition of headache? Go to Spectator Mode, and have 4 Freeza's fighting simultaneously. The results are illustrated in the first screenshot above.

Oh yeah, one last note. The "Krazy Destructo Disk" is the worst super ever. It sends KRAZY DESTRUCTO DISKS flying across the stage, which for some reason have the ability to hit Freeza himself. Why? Only God knows. They are very hard to avoid and are generally annoying once you launch more than 1. And that blood is damn ugly. DAMN UGLY.

[Note: It has come to my attention from a rabid otaku that the Krazy Destructo Disks, fired by Freeza in the anime, actually do come back to hit him, slicing him in half causing his untimely demise. Actually, he just runs around with the upper half of his body only. This is stupid, and Freeza should have at least some armor to protect himself from his own attacks. I give Dragon Ball Z a 10.]

Pros and Cons
+ Not horrible.
+ Nice effects
+ Too many moves

- AI is very unfair
- Sounds are annoying
- His win quotes are stupid
- Way too many flashing lights
- Stupid scouter
- Krazy Destructo Disks!!!1
- Brown stuff comes out with every hit! (Blood?!)
- Too many moves

Overall Score: 6