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made by 3ha
review by legato b, who is on a friggin' roll
download: His site

I know what you're thinking: "Hey, Lego, you faggot, I was promised a Fio review! Not Sentinel!" Well, shut up, because that is Fio. In a stroke of genius, this japanese dude named 3ha made a basically complete and fully accurate Sentinel from X-MEN: COTA, and then added the ability to jump out and control Fio from Metal Slug. Crazy, but it works!

When playing as Sentinel, you get all his COTA moves. He seems pretty damn accurate, based on the last time I played COTA. This'd be a fine character on it's own, but when you enter HCF+Start, Fio jumps out, and you control her.

Fio can jump, shoot, throw grenades, and spend some of her super meter to summon a random weapon from the sky. Aside from the lack of being able to aim in a specific direction, Fio plays almost exactly like she does in Metal Slug. The downside is that if you take any damage as Fio, you die. Which is no fun.

What else can I say? This character is crazy and hilarious. It's worth downloading just for sheer weirdness value. ROCKET PUNCH!

Pros and Cons
+ Fully featured and accurate Sentinel included free!
+ Fio's not that bad, either.
- It might be too weird for some retards.

Overall Score: 1
On second thought, let's not go to Japan. Tis a silly place.