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made by GSCool
review by Mr.Happy

You know something is very wrong when you are able to read korean comments in the CNS file, when the "author" is spanish and is unable to speak english.

You know something is very wrong when you have a stolen character with added features such as bugs, infinites, useless movements, exagerated damage, badly edited sprites, ugly sounds...

You know something is very wrong when Mugen quits telling you it can't load SND file and you have to correct it by yourself in the DEF file.

You know something is very wrong when you are able to jump infinite times into the air, and it's not a bug, it's a feature!!!

airjump.num = 99 ;Number of air jumps allowed (opt)

You know something is very wrong when looking through the code you see this:

[State -2, 4]
type = VarSet
triggerall = var(55) = 1
trigger1 = Command = "x"
(add 23 lines of command detection)
trigger25 = Command = "down_b"
v = 55
value = 1

for those who don't know about mugen, the code above checks every gametick (that is 60 times in a second) the value of var(55) and if it's 1, and you enter one of the commands its value would be changed to 1 AGAIN!!!

Thanks GSCool for such great coding skills.

You know something is very wrong when Feilong starts doing silly things because AI is activated while a human player is controlling him.

You know something is very wrong when an extremely fast projectile takes 250 damage.

You know something is very wrong when super motions don't require power to execute them.

You know something is very wrong when CLSN are horribly placed.

You know something is very wrong when Supermotions are executed B,B+any button.

You know something is very wrong when you've wasted a precious time in your life downloading, reviewing this character and subsequently deleting it from your computer.

Fear my projectile without CLSN boxes!!!

Watch out Kung Fu Man!! I want to bite your shadow!!

Pros and Cons
+ It's Feilong, our favourite's Bruce Lee wannabe
- Horrible coding
- Ugly edited sprites and horrible palettes
- Bad CLSN
- Excessive damage
- Cheapness everywhere

Overall Score: 34
Stealing characters is simply wrong, and it's even worse when the "updater" adds bugs