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Fat Buu
created by GohanSSM2
review by ShoShingo
download: Here

It's about that time again, kiddies. Another release from the legendary bad character maker, GohanSSM2. Where to begin? Oh, let's start with the obvious. Again, Gohan opts to simply use the SFF from one of his other characters, Hyper Buu the most obvious case. The only thing changed is the CLSN's in the standing anim. He only used the first CLSN from Hyper Buu, then cut and pasted the other CLSN's from Dabura and the numerous other sprite swaps he's made.

To further confirm the sprite swapping, simply try out Hyper Buu's sound file with Fat Buu. Of course, Gohan has already supplied you with a copy that has 1 extra sound, just to make it seem like it isn't HB's sound file. This character is just like every other character made by GohanSSM2. Over-powered, full of useless attacks, and over-sized CLSN1's, because they're all just sprite swaps anyway. Speaking of sprites, these aren't high quality rips. I've seen better UB22 sprites. Ten times better. Most of them don't look like someone ripped them in 1024x786, then resized.

The only reason you should download this character is to remind yourself why you shouldn't care about Gohan and his horrible creations. If you have any self-respect, you won't download this character. You'd do better to ask Gohan why he hasn't quit like he said he would months ago. Creations like this drag down the already low standards of mugen creation.

Pros and Cons
+The fact that you are reading this review.
- The fact that Gohan is still putting out this horseshit.
- The fact that he acts like it's pure gold.
Overall Score: 50
so much for quitting, eh Gohan?