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Evil Esa
"made" by Cursedhand
actually created by a japanese dude
review by legato beeeeeee
download the unmolested original: Right Here.

Cursedhand, you suck. This is nothing more than this NHK guy's Alice with some really, really awful shit thrown in. Every one of these new supers is incredibly overpowered, she regains power nearly constantly (and if you select her with one certain palette, you get UNLIMITED SUPERS), and the SCREAMING IS DRIVING ME NUTS! Try the d, d + XY super! It hits anywhere on the screen for 700 damage. Don't like that? Try the qcf, qcf + A! No, better still, the QCFb QCF + B! Oh, fuck it, just use the d, d + AB and watch the longest fucking super you will EVER see. Insane Hiryu has been beaten at his own game.

There's also an unblockable instant kill at low life, an idiot creator who actually ASKED for me to review this, and his topic got GCNmario to whine about his zero being reviewed. GCN and Cursedhand should both go fuck off and die. Enjoy your last day or so in the MUGEN SCENE, Cursedhand. You're an incredibly obvious code thief and you suck at coding anyway. Good riddance.

Pros and Cons
+ He asked for it. Poor bastard.
- Cheese balls.

Overall Score: 11 x 100,000,000
Die, monster. You don't belong in this world.