You are about to witness a character so evil, so twisted, that just by looking at it, you could go sterile and blind at the same time.

Look at the evil eye. Scary!
Yes, ED G. A horrible concept made into reality by the wanna-be Combo Kyo, French Ky0 Kusanagi. If you aren't scared enough by the really ugly select screen portrait, then you certainly are a better man than I. it took me seven attempts to get myself to make it past the VS screen. It's just that evil.

Left: Two times the EVIL. YES!
Right: Watch out! Falling rocks of doom!
Oh man, the attacks were more evil that I thought. Falling rocks of doom, guitar death, and some sort of gay mafia hitman flying at the screen. Not to mention that he can clone himself!! THE HORROR. It was at this moment that my computer started making strange sounds. Sounds I had never heard before. Sounds of agony and despair. I wanted to end it's misery. So, I promptly exited Mugen, selected the ed folder, and pressed delete several times. This is what I would advise all of you to do as well. This character is just too evil.