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created by Mouser
review by Shinaku
download: Mouser's Site

Let us begin by saying this is not a bad character. He just isn't any fun to play with. After about 20 minutes of fiddling with him, I ended up trashing him right away. Nothing about him is ground breaking, earth shattering, or memorable.

His gameplay is a bit too choppy for my tastes. He has no ability to combo. So basically, with this character, you'll find yourself jumping in, using an attack, jumping out, and repeating. Not fun at all. He also has no supers, which might have added a little more to him. Maybe, we can never know for sure.

I like the character's graphics. They're decent enough. In fact, they're better than many other characters' graphics out there. However, the animaton is kind of choppy, as if frames were skipped. It just has that feeling to it that seems incomplete.

In the end, this is a character that you'll probably enjoy for a short while only. Not saying he's bad, but he's just not any fun.

Pros and Cons
+ Decent graphics.

- Choopy gameplay.
- Fast, weak attacks.

Overall Score: 5