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created by ragnarok nemo
review by Titiln
download: Odin's Spear

Okay, so I was in #MRev and I needed to review a character. RagnarokN, being the good person he is, told me to review his Dex, one of his old original characters. I got the character from some secret agent (Psicoso), but he had no sound, so I had to use Dhalsim's .snd file instead. YOGA FIREY! Then Ragnarok sent me the actual sound file. And now, to the actual review. When Ragnarok told me to review this, I expected total shit.

Actually, the character wasn't that bad. Dex is the stereotype of a computer user who spends the day KILLING ALL THOSE PEOPLE ON QUAEK 3 AND HAXORING TEH BAD PEOPEL USING 1337 LUNIX! He's got a variety of interweb shooter (Quake, Duke Nukem, and stuff) inspired moves. He also has sounds recorded by Ragnarok himself, but the hitsounds are loud and the voices are not. Actually, the voices are TOO low. The voice quotes are pretty good, if you can hear them. The sprites are totally original, made in Poser. However, Ragnarok's ripping method back then was fucked up so some sprites look crappy. He also has a super secret AI. The AI is accurate; Dex is a camping faggot. As I was watching 4 Dex's duke it out, they all got cornered and started to throw Pipe Bombs like crazy. All in all, this character is pretty decent.

Pros and Cons
+ he is totally original!
+ use Dhalsim's sounds on it for FUN!
- a few bugs here and there

Overall Score: 3