Wow. Just...Wow. Horrible is a word that would make this character seem better than it actually is. And I mean that with whatever is left of my heart.

Oh man, he's smoking! He must be an elite badass!!
Well, if you managed to get by the incredibly unoriginal name, you're probably the creator, or one of the two people in the entire universe who actually enjoys this character. If this is the case, I hope Santa gave you a big bag of ass-kicking for Christmas.

Right: WHOA! A beer bottle! What an original concept!
Poorly edited sprites, unorignal attacks, and mis-aligned clsn's for almost half of the actions. If this is the pinnacle of "original" character making, then I can understand why nobody uses them. Being his 11th Mugen creation, you'd think David would at least know how to make decent clsn's.
I was always under the impression that original characters were supposed to be somewhat enjoyable. Well, this character has certainly proven me wrong. Overpowered attacks, crappy edits, and a palette that will make you stab yourself in the eyes multiple times.