For some reason, there's a need to convert characters from Kingdom Hearts: CoM to MUGEN. Now I don't mind seeing non-fighting game characters play, but the Kingdom Hearts: CoM characters that came out so far are just plain crappy (see Bane84's Sora). Now Hyuga has decided to make his own conversion of their Cloud. Yahoo!
First of all, let me point out that the collision boxes are animated. Instead of just one collision box (it's so small it only needs one) that stays consistent through-out the stance, each frame of animation has different numbers of boxes AND sizes as well.
Want proof? Check out these pics!

Sub Zero does the same move, and depending on where Cloud's collision boxes of joy are, he'll either hit or miss! What fun! During his walk forward, the collision boxes don't even cover his head, and instead go on his sword.
Too bad gameplay is bad, as well. Cloud is a 4-button character, and there isn't a whole lot you can do with the attacks. Both A and X are sword attacks, although their styles are different only in appearance. By jamming one or both, you can link up sword combos (which is admittedly fun, although I've seen it done better), and the creator at least kept the move from being an infinite. I can't tell for sure, but Y is projectile based attacks usually. Pushing "Y" will throw a very fast fireball, while QCF+Y makes a shorter ranged multiple hitting ground attack ala the Hulk's ground attack.
Now for the fun button, the "B" Button. As soon as you push the button, if you have one level of power, you can use what I'm assuming is a purple version of "Sonic Blade." It looks like this:

If you repeatedly mash on B, you can hit the opponent three times, then send them up into the air for another 9 hits. And you know what's fun about that? Time it right, and you can do the combo AGAIN and hit the opponent while he/she is falling, and it's possible to tack on even more hits to your combo while draining more than half the life out of your opponent's Life! I never knew that two level 1 supers could do that.
If you push B and Down at the same time, you get a Level Three Super that (if connects) does about as much damage as your run-of-the-mill Shun Goku Satsu. You'd think that the command would have to be a bit more painstaking to put in, but as it is, it's open for your enjoyment. I dunno about you, but I like to work for my all-powerful level three supers.
If there's one good thing about this character, it's that damage values aren't too high. But that's about it.
I hope that this is the last character... oh shit, it's not.