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Cless Alvein
created by rainman
review by ShoShingo
download: Here

Alright, kids, here we go again. Cless Alvein by rainman is probably one of the most impressive characters I have ever used in Mugen. From the sprites, to the combos, this character is one of the single greatest to come out in a very long time.

For the dummies, Cless Alvein is based off his Tales of Phantasia persona. All of his special attacks from TOP are in this character. The sprites are custom made, and look really good. More edited characters should be like this. No missing state errors, no missing sprites, barely any major bugs at all. In fact, the only problem with this character are the invalid helper errors, but they don't really effect the overall gameplay.

All in all, the good things about this character completely destroy the bad things. If you have't already, download this character. It's well worth it.

Pros and Cons
+It's Cless Alvein.
+Great looking sprites.
+Great attacks, good combos.
-Aside from some minor errors, not a goddamn thing.
Overall Score: 2