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made by tin
review by sepp
download: Here

in the beginning, there was a thought. quote. while i'm at it, i'll get tin's svc chunli as well ... just to see how much he messed up. unqoute.

bad idea.

The chunli wrongness begins . . . with her intro. it promptly follows up with the standing animation. presently, i am convinced that tin, instead of taking so much as a look at the game he ripped her sprites from to get a vague clue of how they should be timed when put together, entered random numbers to use for her animation times all throughout this creation.

in tin's defense, i'll just assume that he tweaked the animations after his own likings and _not_ randomly. although the times sure _seem_ to be chosen randomly every now and then.

tin's chunli does not walk. she prefers to crawl at terrible low-speed. her jumps look like hideous attacks to me. that's right, _attacks_. especially the small jumps. she swings her legs around entirely too agressively for them to be merely harmless forms of aerial movement.

there are instances where tin's chunli looks actually better than in the game she's from. her standing strong punch (far away) looks better because it's faster, as do a few of her special moves. but the majority of animations where a difference from svc can be noticed (that encompasses nearly _all_ of them) are different for the worse, and notably so. woahhh, machine gun jab~!

on the second day, he renamed her tinli. and, halleluja, they saw it was good.

i am still totally puzzled by the hitbehavior of her jumping basics. first off, all send the victim into custom states. so far so good. the weak attacks move p2 approximately a quarter of a pixel backwards. p2 will go into a falling animation, rapidly accelerating downwards, then abruptly go into a recovery anim. now that does not only make the weak jumping basics look uneffective and ugly as hell, it also means that when you happen to be jumping towards p2 and hit him, your ever graceful forwards jump will be just about nullified by the guy who you just hit in the face - since, even though you just hit him in the face, he will not be moved away from you and merely go into these ugly custom animations and break your forward movement; making both of you look ugly as hell, naturally.

the strong jumping basics are similar, but with mad backwards hit velocities for p2 instead of a quarter of a pixel.

chunli's chain-system is notably absent in tinli. that's right. absent. all tunli can do is x into x and cr. a into cr. a.

missing are things such as :

cr. x into x
cr. a into x

x into a
cr. x into a

x into cr. x
cr. x into cr. x
cr. a into cr. x

x into a
cr. x into a
cr. a into a

now tin might not have opted for svc accuracy, but i strongly feel at least x into cr. a should be there. it's in just about every chunli.

nevertheless, her 2-in-1s are somewhat there. even if not all or anywhere near perfect. going from a close standing strong basic into tenshou kyaku rarely hits anything but air . . . and landing from tenshou kyaku looks reaaaaally awkward, in a slow-motion kind of way. crouch, however, and you might just get dizzy, as this is one of tunli's anims that is too damn fast.

i don't think there are a lot of her svc sounds in if any at all and that's not a problem. it does not manage to save her.

the sloppy chain and combo system really bugs me. i will just say that after the large number of characters tin has created to date i would seriously expect him to handle such things more professional . . . i like some of his more original attempts in tinli, but leaving all but two chains out and then maiming her basic to special power can hardly all be intentional. i shall not atribute to malice what could just as well be ignorance.

unfortunate no matter how you look at it, considering tin has made a number of improvements over the chunli models tunli is loosely based on. in the end, he ruined more than he enhanced. no wonder, if he doesn't know enough about integral basics and goes for originality and move additions instead of working from bottom to top, starting out with a solid base.

if you are looking for an decent chunli, i'm afraid you'll have to look elsewhere. unless your standards are considerably below mine, that is.

Pros and Cons
+ svc sprites with elements from cvs and sf3
+ new moves and things
+ a few original improvements here and there
+ not buggy

- the very base feels sloppy and flawed, and many additions as well
- most frames pass either too slow or too fast
- therefore most things tunli does - like standing, walking, crouching, attacking - look more or less _unbeautiful_
- heck, i don't even like her falling animations
- as a whole, tunli just doesn't cut it for me

Overall Score: 7
mediocre. at best. chunli >> tunli.