bob wilson EX
made by o ilusionista
review by Orochikof97
download: where are my bananas ?!
fuck! seems like o ilusionista likes to be reviewed. after his horrible mb-02 and the god-awful sonic machine (both belong to the worst game project ever, Sf:spec ops), here comes ilusionista's vision of bob wilson. the original Fatal fury character was really great, this mugen version is simply shit. here's the recipe to fuck up a great character.
SFF - Following the MGBR rule "Graphics > gameplay", bob's sff file is 9 Mb (!) when the code is hardly 170 kb. reason ? uncropped sprites, tons of effects, most of them being fullscreen ones and coming from various games like melty blood, cvs, etc ... yeah who cares about sprites being coherent nowadays (cfj/cfe ?) and many of them could have been removed since they repeat themselves using different angles (angle sctrls anyone ?) well, knowing brazil's reputation, you should already know what to expect from that : fullscreen fx for all moves, making up for poor code. well, surprise! that's the case.
AIR - ilusionista improved! I have to admit it, since few of bob clsns seem decent. else, it's still bad clsns. add to that the fact that walk backwards & some other sprites don't have any clsn2 at all, some anims refer to non-existent sprites etc ... the sux, even for a 45% beta or so.yes it's a beta version but it somehow looks like a finished character, according to your standards, Ilusionista.
CMD - the traditional fucked up Mvc estilo gameplay.everything is cancelable, super jump, hyper moves can cancel into themselves, almost no juggle limits, and so on... with the well-known horrible parry code by inferis, and even a custom combo mode emulation, for more capcom fun! read my sf3 ken review or sonic machine/mb02 ones for details on how these gameplay elements suck when they're implemented by brazil, it has been already covered several times.
reminder : bob is a snk character.
CNS - his supers do not take power, they also add power and are fucking overpowered (1 level for almost 500 damage). one of them is a carbon copy of ryu's shinkuu tatsumaki senpuu kyaku. awesome originality! try to taunt and bam! no ctrl, you're fucked. helpers defined to display "regular" sparks (!),
multiple infinites, thanks to juggle limits not being's basically a "mash buttons until you make you opponent fall, then juggle his ass using a fast basic move/special move until he dies". the fact that bob always wakes up with an attack makes characters having a counter-type move win easily. trip bob, then counter to death. wow, and people like valodim actually defend this type of "creator".
misc - nationalism at its best. bob wilson (this name doesn't sound brazilian at all, but nevermind that point) is indeed brazilian, but his moves were NOT labeled in brazilian portuguese. never. the little music tune during his supers is really annoying although it fits capoeira. "45% beta", funny how this character looks like he is 99 % finished, remember : mgbr standards. extra low.
"I've take a long break from mugen now. Maybe forever, maybe not."
sup mistakes. someone said "brazil should have never known about mugen & emulation in general". Just quit mugen, you have no place in it. |
cons and Cons
- o ilusionista killing a snk character
- tons of fullscreen sparks, probably more than character sprites
- completely broken sf gameplay (parry, custom combo, mvc estilo ...)
- Excessive damages on supers (cheap character included).
- Infinites, no power needed + poweradd supers, Juggling ...
- banana waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy

+ Congratulations!
BRAZIL award - o ilusionista
Overall Score:
34 + 45% bonus for the progress = 52
losers have no rights. that's what history is all about.