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BlackJack EX
created by BlackJack
review by ShoShingo
download: Here

Here we go, kids. BlackJack EX is yet another Shotokan clone gone BAD. Of course, that's what I would say, if I thought any custom made shoto's were good in the first place.

First, BlackJack EX uses sprites that look like something that a blind kid with cerebral palsy would make. Second, most of BJs' anims are poorly timed, or lacking enough sprites, which makes the animation seem less fluid than most Mugen characters. Third, the Shoryuken bugs. All the Shoryukens, Weak, medium, and Fierce, can be cancelled by simply pressing a punch button.

Another thing. Shoto Clones have been overdone, practically to the point where 95% of all Mugen Character folders have at least 5 Shoto Clones. Anyway, the bugs in BlackJack can be easily corrected. However, I'd suggest that BlackJack edits, or gets someone to edit, some new sprites for BlackJackEX. Aside from that, give him new, unique moves. The Shoto era is dead!

Pros and Cons
+ The Transformers super screen.
- Slow moves.
- Fewer sprites != better character.
- Corny, MSPAINT Ninja mask.

Overall Score: 6