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Mr. Bater
created by Nyan☆Kiryu
review by Shinaku

(Note: Using the latest top secret technology, we have a video avaiable of Mr. Bater in action. Check it out in the bar to the right!)

First and foremost, let's get this out of the way. Ahahahahahaha! His name is Mr. Bater! That's like one letter off from being masturbater!!!! Ah hahah hahaha!

There, i said it for you.

Anyway, Mr. Bater is a solid character that serves its purpose. While not presenting anything new and revolutionary to MUGEN, the premise of playing as what appears to be a homosexual stripper gone shotokan is just too amusing to pass up.

I love Japan. The greatest things seem to always come from Japan. Cars, video games, chinese food, small people....Hell, I'm sure the Japanese will be the first to clone sheep. Mr. Bater is another fantastic product to come from Japanese shores, and adds on to an already long list of Japanese triumphs. This list, of course, includes World War 2.

Let's begin with the graphics. Mr. Bater appears to be the bastard child of Elton John and Ken Masters. Of course, being two flaming homosexuals in today's post-Will and Grace era, it is perfectly okay for them to express their love by pumping each others asses until their balls are red. We at DDM are Gay-OK.

Anyway, he seems to have all of his frames intact. And in some frames, the shading of his karate outfit seems to be totally messed up. He looks like just an edit of Ken from SF2 (unless he is some secret character that I have never heard of, feel free to correct me). He animates well enough, and his sprites are all well aligned. He also comes with some wacky bonuses, like a projectile that looks like a wrapped present. Wait, it is a wrapped present. Wrapped in pink wrapping material. These homosexual undertones are becoming a bit too much for me to handle.

Hell, his middle finger (in the taunt, also in the image above) resembles something very inappropriate. I'll try to be as tactful as I can when saying this, but his finger resembles a huge (when set in proportion to the character) immense, hairless, erect cock. It appears to be as large as his head, resembling something only seen in Japanese hentai. It made me fall out of my seat laughing, and perhaps this is the connection between Mr. Bater's name and the act of stroking ones penis repeatedly in an attempt to realize the sort of feeling that usually occurs while making love to a beautiful woman, otherwise known as masturbation.

Now that I've gone into detail about the funky Bater graphics, there isn't much else to talk about. Gameplay is pretty basic. He has two buttons, one weak attack and one strong attack. He has three basic special moves, the SPECIAL JAPANESE PRIZE HADOUKEN, the Hurricane Kick, and the Dragon Punch. And he comes equipped with one super, a SHIN SHORYUKEN TATSUMOKOAJOISDJAO.

Oh yeah, sounds. Sounds are of poor quality, but they are in Japanese. Haha! Funny!

His intro is worth mentioning, because it made me laugh. He floats down from the top of the screen doing a Hurricane kick, and the sounds are of a crowd cheering. Then a Japanese voice screams "MEEEEESTA BAAATARUUUUUU!" Good stuff. Good stuff.

If youre looking for a character to add to your SF2 collection, be sure to pick Mr. Bater up. If you're looking for a quick laugh, you can download himt oo. Just don't expect anything deep involved in his gameplay. With Mr. Bater, what you see is what you get. Which can either be good or bad.

Download this movie of Mr. Bater in action! Requires latest DivX codecs. (3.93 MB)

Pros and Cons
+ Decent edits.
+ Hilarious graphics.
+ He's the son of Elton John and Ken Masters.

- He's the son of Elton John and Ken Masters.
- Heavy Shotokan influence.
- Low Sound Quality.
- There isn't really much to him.

Overall Score: 4
A solid character, although rather basic.