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created by Victor SSJ3
review by ShoShingo
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Ahh, yes. Bass. Possibly one of the coolest characters ever created by Capcom. However, this conversion of Bass is the single most horrific character I've played since Young Trunks by GohanSSM2.

Let's see. First, just about evey sprite is mis-aligned. The character readme claims that Bass is 200% complete. I guess 200% in Brazil must equal about 0.00000000000000000001% in America. The attacks are incredibly useless, as the only difference between them is the sprites used for the projectile. The Megaman striker is horrid. In fact, I won't even get started on that, seeing as how I already feel the need steal truckloads of napalm to cleanse the world of the cancerous tumor that is Brazil.

If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a "complete" Megaman character that plays like a beta that some blind, quadriplegic midget made. There are absolutely no redeeming qualities about this character. I suspect that Victor SSJ3 was part of a brazilian DBZ warehouse, because this character is just as bad as a crappy copied & edited DBZ character. If you have any love for the Megaman series, or for your own virgin sanity, I would avoid downloading this character at all costs. It will literally take years off your life and make you less attractive to women, or men, whatever floats your boat.

Pros and Cons
+ Nothing. Not one Goddamn thing.
- Mis-aligned sprites.
- Sloppy controls.
-Useless attacks.
-A pathetic excuse for a striker.
-It says 200%. The other 199.00009% must be hidden deep within a forest, guarded by the evil wizard.
-The fact that it's even up for download.

Overall Score: 30
And that's being nice.