The previous review of Meta Gouki's work was Malin from
2k3. For those that didn't read the review, I determined
that good intentions does stop a character from being
complete shit. Mind you, he had a very small excuse for
at least certain parts: Mame had no debug functions. But
as of a few days later, a version of the game became playable
on a more preferable emulator that had those options.
Thus making this piece of shit inexcusable. But at leastI
get to show the audience at home what not to do:
1. If you have access to the real axis and clsn, use
them: As simple as it may seem to make up these things
and hope that it works out, it merely makes sure that
shit that isn't really possible in the game can occur.
Like hitting your opponent when you shouldn't be able
to, and vice versa. Not to mention making it overly detailed
is simply a waste of time when it isn't necessary. Axis
is also important, as it prevents small things from happening,
such as sinking below the stage's floor during battle
when landing.
2. If it ain't broke, don't fix it: Quirks aside, the
system of fighting in 2k3 has one fundamental difference
from what is seen in Ash here: it actually works. Being
able to chain from light to heavy attacks, and back to
light again isn't a good thing. While at this time an
infinite isn't possible, some oversized chains of attack
are more then easy to access. Also, Meta Gouki's attempts
at things such as launchers should be stopped immediately.
How can this guy make an actual functioning launcher (which
isn't in this case, as it can't be really followed up)
when he can't even do something simply like a working
3. Small details are important: Before you consider publically
releasing something, perhaps you should ensure that all
required animation used by Mugen are present for starters.
Next, you would be best off also placing in a character's
basic actions in a functioning order before you start
throwing in specials and suchm the one in question here
not even having the proper charge command, but a quarter
circle motion. Back to the topic of animation, it is also
recommeneded that you make sure you include the proper
gethits for characters, including diagup for KOF based
character, which the creator forgot to include for some
unknown reason. Doesn't for for visuals if things such
as sparks also fit in with the character in question,
and more importantly are in the appropriate locations.
This Ash fails at those 3 sections miserably. I can't
even fathom how no one that has likely tested these characters
can honestly say these things are acceptable. It is not
that my standards are too high; the problem is what is
accepted is simply too low.
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