Striker Backdash
Gohan's Backdash has a bit more to it, since it puts him high into the air rather quickly, and then you're able to airdash or even throw out your Super Kamehameha!
Double Airdashes
More exceeding mobility features for Gohan, he can perform an airdash twice in a single jump, and even is able to airdash straight down or up, as well as airdash into different directions such as forward then backwards, upwards twice or upwards then downward.
Standing Medium Kick Chain
Standing combo extender.
Wing Kick
Combo-ender. Twist-knocks-out the opponent on impact.
Launcher Kick (launcher)
Main tool for launching enemies into the air after which you can persue them (by pressing Up) with an aircombo. There is a running version of this, performed by f,f+SK, which can combo off the Focus Attack.
Jumping Medium Punch Chain
Air combo extender.
Elbow Drop
Downward-directed attack, you're able to extend the attack by holding down the Medium punch button all the way until he lands on the ground. Acts as a regular jumping Medium Punch and thus is chainable into a jumping Strong Punch or Kick.
Jumping Medium Kick Chain
Air combo extender.
Butterfly Smash (bounce-juggles)
Main tool for smashing opponents down to the ground during an aircombo. If an aerial opponent is hit by this move, they'll fly to the ground and bounce up upon impact, allowing for a juggle combo.
Omni Kicks
Gohan has the unique ability to kick into any direction with his Strong Kick while in the air. The down-forward, down and down-backwards versions cause a ground-bounce, while the forward, up-forward, up-backward and backward versions cause a twist-knock-away. The up version causes a flip-knock-out. You can add one of these kicks after a regular jumping Strong Kick.
Slashing Kick
Running attack, combo starter. Can combo off the Focus Attack.
Running Launcher Kick (launcher)
Identical to his crouching Strong Kick, but since it's a running attack, it can combo off the Focus Attack.
Ki Blast
Gohan fires a basic Ki Blast. The speed the blast travels at is determined by the strenght of the button input: Weak version travels slowly, while Strong version travels fast. Medium as usual is somewhere inbetween. You're able to shoot two Ki Blasts, one after another. You can mix up the Weak and Strong versions. EX version has Gohan firing two Ki Blasts consecutively automatically which knock the opponent away, and you can combo the normal version into the EX version. Supercancelable.
Hurricane Kick (EX wall-bounces)
Different from Goku's though it shares the same name. Gohan's variant has him traveling more at a forward arc. Weak version does one kick, while medium does two and strong does three. All versions knock the opponent away. You can supercancel into the Super Hurricane Kick during this. EX version knocks the opponent away harder and bounces them off the wall, allowing for juggling.
Rising Hurricane Kick (EX launches)
Anti-air kicks, diagonally rising version of the Hurricane Kick. Weak version does one kick, while medium does two and strong does three. All versions knock the opponent up and away. You can supercancel into the Super Hurricane Kick during this. The EX version launches the opponent extremely high into the air.
Diving Kick Flurry
Piccolo's teachings are showing here, as he adapted one of his famous moves. Starts as a single dive kick, which if it hits, has Gohan performing a flurry of aerial stomping kicks, ending with a knock-away kick and having Gohan rebounding with cool backfips. You can supercancel into the Super Hurricane Kick or Super Kamehameha during the Kick Flurry. A new addition to the EX version is that it now ground bounces after the last hit. During the landing animation, Gohan can supercancel into any of his grounded Lvl2 Supers (Masenko, Super Kamehameha or Soaring Dragon Strike).