Joe Higashi

“I saw right through you like... well, something transparent.”

First Release:
May 17, 2010

Last Update:
March 01, 2024

Character info

Customized version of SNK’s Joe character, for MUGEN 1.0; featuring details and moves from a variety of his video game appearances. The gameplay system is “PotS style”, the gameplay system pioneered by Phantom of the Server, which features gameplay mixed from several different games, including CvS2, KOF, SFA3 and SFIII.

This character also features an intro with PotS’s Dan; the latest versions of that character will work seamlessly and require no extra modification. For posterity’s sake, however, the now-obsolete patch to add this intro to the older version of Dan (the 2010 version, specifically) can be found here.

Screenshot featuring Joe performing Hurricane Upper
Screenshot featuring Joe performing Bakuretsuken
Screenshot featuring Joe performing Tiger Kick
Screenshot featuring Joe performing Ogon no Kakato