Real Name:Sean Orron Savakis
Height: 6'
Weight: 190 lbs.


Various psychic and mental abilities, including causing searing migraines, thought projection, and the ability
to project images into others' minds. He can also concentrate a large portion of psychic energy into a projectile 
called a Psych Shot, which, depending on the power, will drain Snow physically. His strongest Psych Shot can render 
an opponent physically devastated and permanently insane.

Bio: Sean Savakis was a typically rebellious teen who, with the help of his best friend Patrick, ran away from his 
overly-religious hometown deep in the Bible Belt of North Carolina. There, he was not allowed to wear flashy clothes
or stand out as the individual he knew he was. His naive and idealistic point of view landed him in hot water often
in his old hometown, and things were no different in New York. He and Patrick were forced to live as vagrants due to 
their joblessness, and were reduced to thievery to survive, wandering all over Manhattan and the surrounding areas. 
They were eventually arrested for vagrancy and held in jail. They had no money and no identification, and were perfect 
(involuntary) candidates for the S.H.A.D.E. Moses Maddigan ordered them transferred to Maddicorp's facilities where 
Sean became Subject #1.

Once freed from the confines after the Kelly Incident, Sean and Patrick took on the names Snow and Sabotage, and 
utilized their powers to earn enough money to sustain themselves. Snow especially resented his gifts, not because 
of the power, but because he knew that the people that had captured him and imprisoned him for two years would 
eventually try to take him back. His intense desire to be left alone and to avoid drawing attention to himself 
conflicts with Sabotage's occasionally flashy usage of his abilities, as well as his perceived notion that the 
two of them are "Super Heroes." Snow, above all else, wants to live in peace and come to terms with the mistakes 
he's made, but is constantly hounded by Maddigan's "Collection Agency." Of course, it doesn't help that Snow 
insists on dressing impeccably, all the time, in designer suits.
