Real Name: Stephanie Marie Cook
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 lbs.


Her hands constantly produce explosive kinetic energy that is contained and controlled by her Curonium 

Bio: Stephanie was the fifth subject of the S.H.A.D.E. She ended up with the ability to create concussive 
blasts of energy with her hands. Unfortunately, she has little control over it and is almost always producing 
the energy. She went to Jean Curren, a technical wizard/inventor, who created a special pair of gloves made 
out of a highly malleable alloy that contains traces of the element he discovered (called Curonium). 
These gloves allow her to better control her powers and even concentrate the energy into her bread and 
butter offensive weapon, the Energy Grenade.

Fray is an impulsive and brash young woman who lets her ambition (or over-ambition) cloud her priorities 
and decisions. As a teenager she had a constantly rotating roster of friends that she discarded whenever 
she got bored of them. She is mostly good at heart, but has a hard time showing it and often "rubs people 
the wrong way." Due to how dangerous her hands are, she fights with mostly kicks, reserving her explosive 
fists for her special moves and super combos.
