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created by desouza
review by villian
download: Here

what we got here is the second version of desouza's mvc style pokeryu, which he has renamed ryuzito. it contains all of ryu's mvc modes, as well as the bonus of a dan mode. ryuzito's basics in all modes are just ryu's normal basics, with the exception of the overhead attacks. this is just a small detail, but the equivalent sprites for the other modes were available.

the special moves for each mode are pretty much as they should be, with the exception of the aerial tatsumaki senpuukyaku, which don't seem to be quite right. the effects used are resized vs series effects, that desouza also made transparent to try and add more flash to. the aerial combo system is not that far from the original vs one, making it that many of the original combos can be duplicated using ryuzito.

the only major problem i had with ryuzito would be the lack of ground combos in dan mode. this mode is just not as efficient as the other three when it comes down to it.

if you like using smaller characters, or you simply like ryu, then you should enjoy ryuzito. there may be dozens upon dozens of them out there, but one that is decent should be given a chance.

Pros and Cons
+ balanced ground and air combo systems
+ mvc modes represented well
+ damage values reasonable
- dan mode seems lacking
- infinite in gouki mode
- air tatsumaki senpuukyaku acts oddly in all modes it is in

Overall Score: 4