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created by ShoShingo
review by Legato
download: ShoShingo's Lame Page

This character is neat. Pure and simple. Take Zero from Megaman X2. Now make him play exactly like that in MUGEN. You've got this character.

The sprites are typical SNES. Which is good. The sounds are a bit higher quality, and includes my personal favorite badly acted sound clip from Megaman X4. All in all, good.

As for gameplay? Well, he can't jump. But also, when he gets hit, he stops and is invincible for a moment. Sound familiar, kids? I'd love to see a Megaman that plays like the original games to fight with this guy. He's kinda hard to hit normally, though, like all mini characters.

He's a bit glitchy when it comes to getting hit, but don't let that stop you from checking out one of the most UNIQUE characters I've ever seen.

Pros and Cons
+ Unique.
+ He's from MMX.
+ SNES games rock.

- He's a wee bit glitchy.

Overall Score: 2